Which season is more problematic for allergy sufferers? That depends on what you’re allergic to. You might fall victim to your allergies in autumn or suffer from your allergies in spring depending on what exactly is triggering your allergy symptoms. Whether it’s tree pollen in the spring or ragweed in the fall—we want to know which allergy season affects you most. Vote for your worst allergy season and read on for a closer look at which seasonal allergens are to blame.
Tree pollen is of the most common spring allergy symptoms. In the spring, dormant trees come alive, often with a vengeance. They release pollen into the air as a way of reproducing but unfortunately, that pollen can trigger an allergic response in many people.
Pollen counts are typically highest in the morning, and on warm and windy days. Pollen can be hard to avoid in the spring, when pollen counts are high. If you suffer from this allergy, try to limit the time you spend outside on particularly high pollen count days.
Fall allergies can be troublesome—sniffling and sneezing stopping you from enjoying the changing colours and leaves of the season can be frustrating to say the least. Ragweed pollen is the source for many common fall allergy symptoms. It grows throughout the country and releases pollen from August to November. Typically, ragweed pollen counts are highest in mid-September. Perhaps that’s why some children cry when they return to school that month.
Mould is also a typical trigger for autumn allergies. Moulds are fungi (not the ones you eat in salads) that thrive in moist, damp environments. The rotting leaves of fall provide an excellent home for mold growth, and to the detriment of allergy sufferers, release spores into the air to reproduce. These tiny spores are often the culprit for those runny noses and watery, itchy eyes you see in allergy sufferers.
Whether you suffer from fall allergy symptoms or find yourself a victim to the spring, each season has their fair share of troublesome allergens. Which season is worse really comes down to your individual triggers, what your body responds to, and just how allergic to a certain trigger you are. For definitive answers, always consult your personal doctor, pharmacist or seek out the council of an allergist.